Do you ever just want to email or call a doctor (and even get an Rx, if medically necessary) when you or a family member are sick?
Are you bummed when your kids get sick - not just because they feel bad, but because you know a doctor visit will take hours out of your day?
Would you like an advocate to help you figure out your medical bills and navigate "the system?”
Could you use discounts on Rx, dental, vision, chiropractic needs and more?
If you answered "YES!" to any of these questions, check out freshbenies NOW! freshbenies gives you practical tools to control your healthcare (and more)…in one easy membership. Offset skyrocketing out-of-pocket costs with non-insurance services like Telehealth, Doctors Online, Advocacy, and savings networks for Rx, Dental, Vision, Chiropractic and more that can save hundreds to thousands on your family’s healthcare. Click below to watch a quick, fun video! ;-)